The co-founders of SuperFastDiet, Vic and Gen were lucky enough to feature on The Today Show this week! On air they demonstrated how easy and delicious a day on The 3-Day Diet truly is (including pizza) and celebrated the launch of the new bestselling book!
Catch their appearance below!
Which is fine and dandy, really, because you’re not an ordinary human, are you? You’re a glorious, sparkly superhuman who is about to become even more super. We created this book for champions like you: who, for whatever reason, just can’t seem to slay the scales. But we’re going to do it together and it’s going to be loads more fun and way easier than you ever thought a ‘diet’ could be!
- scientific research showing how The 3-Day Diet and intermittent fasting work
- 60+ fresh, delicious recipes for every day of the week
- meal plans and practical strategies for your fasting days
- tips for a more balanced mindset to help you maintain and supercharge your weight loss
- inspiring true stories of 3-day diet success from the SuperFast community.
At SuperFastDiet HQ, we’ve been referring to the 3-day diet as the ‘Maryanne diet’ for a few years now. We named it that after Gen’s sister, who repeatedly told us she simply could never follow our other fasting programs because they were (in her words) ‘too hard’. We were determined to find something Maryanne could do effortlessly, and the 3-day diet turned out to be the magic bullet. On this plan, she could ‘fast’ for three nonconsecutive days of the week, eating less calories (around 1000 calories a day) and then eat normally for the remaining four days. Well, Maryanne took to this diet like a duck to water, shedding an impressive 25 kg and sailing to her goal weight of 63 kg just in time to dance the night away on her 50th birthday in an age-inappropriate skirt. These days she says she feels 10 years younger, and we reckon she looks it too!
So where can you get your hot little hands on a copy of The 3-Day Diet for yourself?
Simply by clicking here, and choosing one of the many participating retailers including Big W, The Nile, Booktopia and Amazon.
To find out more about the 3-day method, along with the rest of our sustainable and no-guilt click here!