SuperFastDiet contains general information about dieting, nutrition and health. It is not to be treated as medical advice. The medical information in this book is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied.
Before starting any diet, seek professional medical advice from your doctor.
This diet is not recommended for the following:
- Women who are pregnant, planning to get pregnant or breastfeeding
- Anyone with an eating disorder, a history of or a predisposition to eating disorders
- Those with a BMI of below 20 or people who are underweight
- Anyone who has been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes
- People younger than 18 years old
- People older than 70, without doctor’s permission
Important note: If you have any medical conditions or are taking prescription medication of any kind for any condition at all, we highly recommend speaking with your physician prior to commencing any new diet, eating or exercise regime.