There are 30 days until Christmas, good golly, where has this year gone? Christmas can be a manic season for some and quite lonely for others. Everyone seems to be busy with frantic last minute shopping, people worrying about their to-do lists and loads of socialising… sometimes we forget to stop and smell the roses. This year, we thought we should do something different. We thought we should come together, regardless of what Christmas looks like for each of us, and make a daily decision to be thankful. We want to be thankful for the gifts that really matter, not the things you can buy from a store.
Please join us in our “30 Days of Gratitude” challenge. Feel free to share the below image with your friends on social media. Let’s start a new conversation. One that begins with “I am grateful for…” not “I really want…” Let’s look around at all the wonderful reasons to smile. Let’s take care of each other. Let’s remember that time is more important than presents.
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