35 kilo weight loss success: Meet Jacqui
35 kilo weight loss can seem impossible. And if anyone should know that, it’s Jacqui.
“I’m 52 years-of-age, I have four children and one grandchild,” she told us.
“Before I started part-time dieting, I weighed 93kg. I felt frumpy, tired, unhealthy, really unfit. I didn’t even want to get up every day. Life was a struggle.”
Life before SuperFastDiet
“It had gotten to the point where I almost didn’t recognise myself in the mirror. I’d just resigned myself to the fact that this was what it was like to have four kids and a grandchild. I mean, I just didn’t think that I could be self-confident and sexy at this age.”
The tipping point
“I think what made me decide to finally do something about it was a family holiday in Byron Bay. I was really unhappy, I didn’t feel good about myself and I felt really unhealthy. It was supposed to be this enjoyable, fun, family holiday and I didn’t enjoy it at all. I just kept thinking: I’ve got to do something about my weight. I had seen Shelly Horton on the Today Show and I noticed the difference in her. So, I started researching in the car on the way home from Byron Bay. And I joined up straight away.”
Jacqui’s 35 kilo loss
“I’ve lost 35 kilograms in 28 weeks (seven months). What I love about part-time dieting is how convenient it is. I still go out, I still have real food. I still drink. I just love it. It’s so easy! Now I’ve lost weight, I’m a lot more outgoing. I love being out of the house, I even love the gym! I’m such a different person. I’m a lot happier. And my family’s a lot happier.”
Life after part-time dieting
“I absolutely love life now. I’ve had a few life wins since I started part-time dieting. It had been about 30 years since I put on a bikini. And I just thought: Why not? I mean, I’m a grandmother, a mum, tomorrow’s not a given, so I bought myself a bikini. And I felt like a million dollars wearing it.”
“People in my hometown barely recognise me when I walk down the street anymore! My husband can’t keep his hands off me. I have to chase him away with a wooden spoon when I’m trying to do other things. I haven’t felt this good in ages. The other thing that I’ve done for myself since I’ve lost weight, is deciding to get braces. I’ve always put myself second with everything, and I thought ‘no, I deserve this’, so I got braces.”
Why I love part-time dieting
“I have done a lot of different programs and SuperFastDiet.com has been the most awesome program. I love it. It’s the easiest, most unbreakable program you’ll ever do. If I have done it, you can do it. I actually can’t believe I’m this cool sexy grandma now. I’m the best me I’ve ever been.”
Try us out today and see why part-time dieting is so much easier!
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