I lost the equivalent of four cartons of paper. I couldn’t even lift two!
Prior to making the decision to do something about her escalating weight, Lee’s self-esteem was at an all-time low and it was drastically affecting her health – to the point she could barely do her job. Then she discovered intermittent fasting.
Life prior to SFD
‘Before I found SuperFastDiet (SFD) and intermittent fasting, I was really just existing from day to day. My life felt like I was on a treadmill and I was going nowhere fast. I had no energy or strength. I hated myself, and I especially hated the person I saw in the mirror every day. I didn’t really know why I was even here. I just couldn’t seem to pull myself out of this downward spiral I found myself in.’
Lee is an operations manager in stationary and the constant lifting the job entailed was making life even harder.
‘I was carrying around the equivalent of four cartons of paper. I couldn’t even lift two – let alone bend down without breathlessness. I had terrible bursitis in my leg that caused me constant pain. I had to lift my leg to get in the car and I couldn’t do up my shoelaces without difficulty.’
The journey
Lee signed up for a 5-day challenge with SFD and, after only three days in, she found it so easy to stick to she enrolled in a 16-week course.
‘I’ve never looked back from that point on. The way of life with intermittent fasting was a game-changer in itself, but then I decided that I’d try coaching about 8 weeks in. It went to whole new level.’
Coaching underscores the Ultimate Mind and Body Makeover Transformation Course at SFD and is designed to help people make a permanent change to their lifestyle.
‘I knew losing the weight was only part of my battle. I had to make sure that I got my mind sorted so I could continue to maintain it. Enter Kristin, my coach. The trust, compassion, advice, love and support she has shown me is unmeasurable and it underpinned my continued success, despite the fact that I am so time poor.’
Lee’s transformation
Lee says joining SFD has been an emotional rollercoaster ride of self-discovery and personal growth, and the whole experience has put her life in perspective – at times in surprising ways.
‘So many things have changed. For example, I’ve always loved music but somewhere along the way it seemed to have faded, just like me. Well the music’s back as part of the brighter, happier person I’ve become.’
As for work and those boxes of paper?
‘I’ve lost the equivalent of four cartons and one ream of paper. I can’t believe I carried that around with me every day for I couldn’t tell you how many years. I feel so light and have so much energy now. My bursitis is all but gone and I jump in the car with ease and do up my shoelaces pain free now. It’s life-changing.’
The long term lifestyle
Lee says she still has a long way to go but she no longer hates the person she sees in the mirror. Far from it, in fact.
‘The abuse and vitriol which would be sprayed most days seems to have gone. I’m so much happier now. I want to start living my life again and not just being a spectator in it. I can’t wait to discover more of the true me – someone I’m learning to truly like once more. It’s a great feeling.’
Lee has gone from a size 26 and is now a size 14-16. Her total weight loss to date is 44.9kg.
Want to make a change like this for yourself?