“MC and television presenter extraordinaire Shelly Horton, together with her very cute dog, Mr Barkley, joins me today on The Excuse Buster Show to help breakthrough what’s getting in your way of achieving what you want in your work and weight loss. [Shelly talks about how to] breakthrough feelings of failure and shame that get in your way of being happy with your body, her success with SuperFastDiet plus getting what you want out of your work and life. Shelly is so honest when it comes to sharing her ups and down plus always brings such humor and empathy so you won’t want to miss what she has to say.
We’ll also demo some moves you can do while out exercising with your dog to get an extra, quick workout in. I also have a special surprise for Mr Barkley and his mum thanks to the team at Doog DOOG – Dog Owners Outdoor Gear who were inspired to create their range of gorgeous, practical products because of their love of getting out and exercising with their own dogs.
Check out the SuperFastDiet she’s following at www.superfastdiet.com”