“A global weight loss phenomenon that unlocks inner health, vitality and energy… all while helping you kick the kilos and looking drop dead gorgeous in your dream dress? Sign us up!”
“It’s the wellness buzz word of 2019: fasting. For those of you who already have health and fitness fad fatigue – we get it. But trust us, this isn’t just another diet trend. It’s a revolution. “The beauty of this way of life is that it allows you to lose weight without giving up the things you love,” says SuperFastDiet Co-Founder Gen Davidson. “I realise that sounds too good to be true, and honestly, I thought the same at first,” she reveals. It wasn’t until Davidson used the revolutionary intermittent fasting method to lose 30 kilos herself that she realised its power. “I’d tried so many diets: every weight loss program, book, personal training… and nothing worked. But intermittent fasting was different. I just had to cut my calories on a couple of days a week, and the rest of the week I could eat freely.”
Associate Professor of Nutrition at The University of Illinois, Chicago, Dr. Krista Varady Ph.D. explains that while ‘fasting’ may sound a little scary, it’s important to remember that it’s really just a short period of ‘not eating’. “Fasting doesn’t equate to starvation. With all intermittent fasting diets, you get to eat every day. Fasting is really more about when to eat,” she reveals. Recent scientific studies show that intermittent fasting is incredibly effective for weight loss. “It’s convenient and easy to follow… and people lose substantial amounts of weight.”
“I’ve lost 13kgs in 24 weeks, I’m down to 52kg and maintaining it has been so easy. I never feel restricted or deprived: I still get to enjoy my glass of wine, my Friday night cheeseburger and my favourite – French fries. Now that is freedom. Best. Diet. Ever!”
– Rosemary, SuperFastDiet Member –
So where does this leave you, especially if you’re gazing longingly at an exquisitely-designed couture gown which is just a smidge too small? We’re happy to say – in a perfect position. Because the company which Davidson co-founded, SuperFastDiet, is designed to walk everyday people through the cutting-edge methods and deliver easy-to-follow tips and tricks to dropping dress sizes, quickly. “Ultimately, we’ve created a program that shows people how to incorporate intermittent fasting into their lifestyle. It combines simple and scrumptious superfood-laden recipes, day-by-day support, expert guidance – thanks to our team of globally recognised health and wellness gurus – and a fitness plan that anyone can do,” says Davidson. Best of all? The results are absolutely mind-blowing, and there’s a plethora of health benefits beyond just weight loss, which include: lower bad cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, reductions in ageing biomarkers and age-related diseases and a boost to belly fat loss. Which means not only can you fit into your dream dress, but you can enjoy wedded bliss, and be happier and healthier, for much longer.”
Purchase a copy of Luxury Weddings magazine here.
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