With non-stop good food and good times it can be so easy to slide down the slippery slope of chocolate overload.
The team at SuperFastDiet have become super sleuths and checked out Australia’s most popular Easter eggs. (Some of the contenders have calorie counts equivalent of 3 whole Big Mac meals! Jeepers!)
Here’s our guide to some of the most popular Easter eggs available in supermarkets, along with their calorie counts:
Our most important recommendation is to maintain portion control (if possible!!) and go for the mini variants of bunnies and eggs. As you can see above, you can save yourself a truckload of calories by downsizing, while still getting into the Easter spirit. Even if you treat yourself to a few mini size choccies, you’ll still be miles ahead compared to eating a full size one.
Other top tips for a guilt free Easter:
* Keep your chocolates in the fridge or freezer – You’ll be less likely to eat a whole pack, as they take longer to consume!
* Hollow is good! Try to pick Easter eggs without all the sugary fillings inside
* Choose dark chocolate over milk chocolate – the more intense flavour will satisfy you with a smaller amount
* Choose quality chocolate over quantity – that way you will really enjoy your indulgence
* And after Easter Monday, when there’s a whole stack of chocolate left over – give it to a genetically-blessed friend or donate to the office kitchen supplies!
Most importantly – enjoy yourself! Easter only comes around once a year, and we are all about #noguilt!
From all of us at SFD, have a wonderful Easter break!
P.S. Why not give yourself the Easter gift of health by joining our awesome SuperSquad today! Click here to learn more!
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