Which cheese is best? We’ve done that math on 15 common types of cheese. So, the next time the nibbles come out, you don’t have to stress.
We’re dedicated brie-and-bikkie lovers from way back, so we thought we’d put our tastebuds and calorie-counters to the test to figure out which cheeses are the lowest in calories, and which pack a surprisingly healthy punch. Jump in to discover whether you should be reaching for the Camembert or the cheddar at your next nibbles night.
Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference for taste and what you want to get out of your cheese. There is no ‘best’ cheese. Even the humble cheddar packs a good protein wallop at 6.25 grams of protein per 25 gram serve.
There is one caveat when it comes to cheese: two of the key ingredients are salt and fat. Adults typically only need around 180-500 milligrams of sodium per day, and more than 2,300mg isn’t recommended. The Australian Heart Foundation recommends that saturated fats shouldn’t comprise more than 10% of your daily energy intake, which is less than 24g per day. One serving of cheddar, for example, contains over 155mg of sodium and 5.25g of saturated fat, and one 25g serving of blue cheese contains around 349mg of sodium and 4.75g of saturated fat. So, the key is moderation.
But on the part-time diet – well, you’re fasting part-time and eating part-time, which allows for plenty of feasting (and cheese-ting!) too.
How-To Guide
Want to learn more about part-time dieting for weight loss? Download the ultimate overview to the unbreakable, part-time SuperFastDiet lifestyle below.