Adding a yoga practice to your exercise regimen is a smart move. Yoga aids weight loss through physical movement and also boosts mindfulness and mental health. But, like anything worth doing, it can be a challenge. When your commitment and patience wanes, try another other genius weight loss move: laughter.
This yoga themed Friday funnies will help you find a little light in those moments where you lose balance mid-pose.
“sometimes in yoga I feel like a graceful swan. Other times I feel like a baby giraffe learning to use its legs”
“It’s funny when people think ‘yoga people’ are supposed to be calm. No. We’re all here because we’re nuts.”
“Diamonds were a girl’s best friend… then yoga pants happened.”
“Sometimes my mind is clear when I do yoga. Other times I’m thinking about whether a pose will make me toot.”
“Yoga: because some questions can’t be answered by Google.”
“Monday. Nothing a little yoga can’t fix!”
“I like to yoga to find my spiritual centre and lose my physical one…”
“I’m here for the savasana…”
“Yoga pants and a t-shirt. Did I just wake up or finish a class?
No one will ever know…”
“I stay in shape by doing yoga two or three times a week. And by ‘doing yoga’ I mean shaving my legs.”
“I’m all for Namaste, but if you interrupt savasana, the light in my heart will strike down upon you with great vengeance and fury.”
“I go to yoga to find inner peace, and also to work off the many pieces of chocolate inside me”
Don’t forget to spread the funny love! Share your favourite yoga joke and tag your yoga buddy on Facebook!
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