The story of Gen’s amazing 30-kilo weight loss and SuperFastDiet are one and the same. After getting amazing results for herself, Gen felt compelled to turn her experience into something that other women could benefit from as well. And so SuperFastDiet was born.
“I tried every trick in the book. Personal trainers, Weight Watchers, Lite ‘n’ Easy, Jenny Craig, paleo … the weight would come off for a bit, but would then go right back on …” So after seeing the impressive results her brother-in-law had achieved, [Gen] decided to give it a go herself.
To date, Gen has lost 30kg.
“We could see this was something that actually worked — our families and friends were losing weight too — my husband has lost 18 kilos. My daughter lost six kilos and Victoria’s son lost 30 kilos. All our friends started doing it.”
But SuperSquad members will know that it’s no ordinary weight-loss program. Just like Gen and her co-founder Victoria Black, it’s filled with fun, fresh ideas and actually it works! Want to know more? Read about the program here or check out the feature here!