Christmas tends to bringĀ out all the feels in us. And our feels are best represented through gifs of our Christmas Spirit animal – the sassy cat! Merry Christmas!
Christmas is a time to eat, drink and be merry! We hope you are doing ALL of these things today. There should be lots of laughs and zero guilt. Celebrating with family and friends over the holidays is one of those worthy life-happens excuses that we believe in.
So instead of mulling over whether what you ate was too much. Go ahead and mull some more wine instead! Or, have a giggle over these cat gifs that sum up all our feels this Christmas.
Mentally tasting everything on the Christmas table
We’ve been waiting to feast like this for days!
The Christmas host when the party is over
It’s time for a silent night.
Christmas baking, again and again and again
We’re all baked out.
Looking for money after all the Christmas shopping is done
Oh no.
After too many servings
Oh well! I’ll diet tomorrow.
… then again for dessert
It’s Christmas!