Watch our Facebook Live Masterclass and Q&A Session about the basics of intermittent fasting.
Hear everything you ever wanted to know about why other diets DON’T work, and why SuperFastDiet DOES! We’re pretty sure all the latest medical evidence and science will blow your mind. PLUS, we share our own stories on how we lost 40kgs and started a part-time diet revolution.
Tune in for more Superhero Week masterclasses on our Facebook page! Be there for freebies and giveaways! (Oh, you definitely don’t want to miss those!)
- Tuesday May 1st 2018 – from 1:00pm – 2:00pm
- Wednesday May 2nd 2018 – from 5:30pm – 6:30pm
- Friday May 4th 2018 – from 1:00pm – 2:00pm
We will stay around for 30 minutes after each session to answer questions. Don’t be shy!