Have you ever had a beautiful day ruined by a nasty numerical surprise on the scale? And then stepped on and off to triple check that it is working. And then weigh yourself again at the end of the day (knowing that it is a bad idea) only to be bitterly disappointed.
We have.
The scale is a powerful beast. That little platform sitting in the bathroom has the power to make or break the days of so many.
It’s not the scale’s fault. It doesn’t mean to be judge-y. It’s just that the number it displays bears so much weight (excuse the pun) on our lives. Especially when we’re working so hard on our health.
That number is important to your physical and mental health. But it shouldn’t rule you. And neither should your scale. The first step to slaying this weigh-in fear? Laughing at it! There is a funny side to some of the thoughts we have when we weigh ourselves. Have a giggle at these gifs and remember that your scale doesn’t always have to be scary.
Thought about weighing yourself
Maybe if I step on slowly it won’t be as bad
what did I eat today?
It’s because I’m wearing pants, surely.
My scale must be broken…
How much does wet hair weigh?
I don’t need to know today…
If we’ve had a shock, then we should be thinking…
I’ll get back on track tomorrow!
everyday is a new opportunity!
and the scale doesn’t tell me everything!
Knowing your weight is the first step to improving it. What are your tips for staying positive when stepping on a scale?