The idea of ‘thinking and feeling more positive’ can often be pretty tough when your unconscious mind is pushing you towards a negative way of thinking. Sometimes it just isn’t that easy. Simply following the questions in the acronym aptly called, ‘T.H.I.N.K’ could just help, according to founder of 2MPower and Blisspot expert, Anne McKeown.
What does the acronym ‘T.H.I.N.K’ stand for?
T: True
H: Helpful
I: Inspiring
N: Necessary
K: Kind
This acronym is really powerful to use when you feel yourself falling into a rather negative state of mind or simply thinking about yourself or someone else negatively, which ultimately, we would rather not do, right? We want to feel positive towards ourselves and our surroundings as often as possible!
For instance, imagine you are having a moment where you are constantly thinking to yourself “I am just so unhealthy and so ugly.” When reading through the explanations of each letter below, picture yourself thinking or saying this to yourself and see how using ‘T.H.I.N.K’ can switch this extremely negative thought that is quite damaging into a more positive, helpful learning experience. Let’s look into each point.
T is for True
Firstly, think to yourself, “is what I am thinking or saying actually true?” or “would someone in my life that loves and cares about me say the same thing?” Chances are the answer to at least one of these questions, often the latter will be no. You might think to yourself, “well obviously it is true, otherwise I wouldn’t be thinking it?”, but it probably isn’t a universal truth to everyone. This is where you must realise that negative speaking is such a personal thing, and others around you would almost certainly not think the same and believe the negative thoughts you have of yourself. As often as you can, stop saying these untrue things to yourself and instead counteract these negative, untrue thoughts with a more ‘true’ one, saying to yourself something you really like about yourself instead.
H is for Helpful
Next up, think “is what I am saying, thinking, or doing right now helping me or hindering me?” If the answer is no it is not helping me and you continue thinking negatively or doing this unhelpful act, all you are doing is reinforcing that unhelpful thought that won’t propel you forward to what your goals are. So why are you doing it? Noticing if it is possibly a coping mechanism or some sort of habit, could possibly help you change this action to something that is of more use to you and your goals.
I is for Inspiring
Now, ask yourself, “is this thought or action uplifting me and pushing me forward towards my goal?” If what you are doing or saying doesn’t make you feel motivated or inspired and doesn’t really liven that internal driver, it probably isn’t the thought or action for you. It probably isn’t what will encourage you in a positive way to learn and grow. Anne explains, “these negative thoughts are the unconscious mind controlling you. You really want to move into the conscious mind where you make a decision that if it is not inspiring, I am going to leave that behind. You always do have a choice in what you think, what you say, and what you do!”
N is for Necessary
Then, ask yourself, “is what I am doing necessary to help me move forward in a good way?” When trying to achieve something, we can often very easily get in a hot mess and become overwhelmed. Simply ask yourself if what you are doing, or thinking is needed right now. Do you have to do that or think that? If you are answering no, cut it out!
K is for Kind
The last question Anne says is “her favourite” question to ask yourself; “is what I am saying to myself kind?” So much of what we say, like the example above simply isn’t nice. If you aren’t kind to yourself, it can be extremely difficult to move forward in taking care of yourself and being kind to others, too. Anne explains, “kindness should come from within. So, if you are overflowing with kindness towards yourself, the people around you will really benefit from it!” Win win, we think! Kindness is free and should be shown not only to people around you but also yourself. Prioritise you! You deserve it – think, do, and say things that are kind always.
Asking yourself these quick and simple questions can really help to propel you forward with your goals, no matter what they are! So remember… Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it kind?
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About Anne:
We had the pleasure of sitting down with the founder of 2MPower, Anne McKeown about all things mindset, goal setting, and positive thinking recently.
After working as a Sales Coach at BP Oil, Anne discovered that ultimately it was never about the product that made sales, but about the salesperson’s mindset. Her employees were successful when their beliefs and mindset were aligned and were overall, positive. This prompted Anne to find out more.
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