Career, kids and unexpected weight gain
I’d always had quite active careers. I’d been in the fitness industry for over 15 years and I’d been a student in my thirties. I was otherwise consistently involved with marketing, lecturing and teaching, all of which kept me on my feet as I visited clients or ran about campuses. Having my children kept me active too, but I did begin to gain weight, mostly because I was grazing on ‘kid food’ but also, I suspect, due to hormone fluctuations.
I was incredibly fortunate to become a published author in my forties and have three works published with three more contracted and on the way. But sitting down all day, every day, took its toll on my weight and to my horror I discovered I’d gained 20 kilos within a few short years. 23 if you count my ideal weight back when I was in my mid-twenties.
The solution that factored life in
SuperFastDiet suits my lifestyle to a tee because I can easily get lost in my writing when fasting then feast in the afternoon when the kids come home. My husband has lost weight too and, in all, I know I have found the answer to losing weight and keeping it off- for good. I lost more than the 20 kilos and now sit at 23 kilos down- my youthful weight. Only three more to go!

Losing weight and gaining confidence
It feels incredible to wear nice clothes again and we are going out more and really enjoying life because I’m so filled with energy now. And purpose. I feel like there’s nothing I couldn’t achieve if I put my mind to it.
Want to make a change like this for yourself?