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Rebecca Ward

21KG GONE / 46lbs

Early Childhood Teacher and Breakfast Lover

She had almost given up ever getting her weight under control. Peaking at 150kg / 330lbs in her thirties, Rebecca is now almost half that size because SuperFastDiet gave her a simple, long-term solution.

“I’ve battled with ‘diets’ my whole life,” Rebecca told us. “Since I was a child, everything has always revolved around food, dieting and my weight. A few years ago, I lost 80kg / 176lbs, but last year the weight started creeping back on. I was scared: it was all coming back and I felt ashamed, unhappy and started isolating myself again. I had seemingly tried everything: personal trainers, calorie restriction diets, high protein, meal deliveries, you name it; but my life remained a constant weight battle and nothing worked! Then my friend found SuperFastDiet; a really easy way of eating and an achievable long-term solution for both of us.

We decided to do it together; but honestly, I didn’t think it would work for me. I was completely blown away when the weight just started falling off. I have now lost 21kg / 46lbs in 28 weeks and dropped three dress sizes, without anywhere near the original weight loss effort. SFD has completely changed my life. For the first time in over thirty years, I feel that I have finally ‘got it’. It absolutely works! And there’s loads of support, advice and expertise whenever you need. It’s a doable, flexible way of life and, dare I say, it’s easy! You can’t ‘break’ it like a diet and you never feel restricted. It’s a simple way of eating, that has given me back my life.”